Amethyst House FAQs

  • Reiki means ‘universal energy’.  It is a Japanese technique for healing, stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki balances the energy centers of the body and removes excess energy that can lead to mental or physical illness. It can help one enter a meditative state, stimulate the immune system, relieve pain and tension, support patients receiving treatments including chemotherapy and dialysis and much more!

    How does it work? 

    Your Reiki Master will open a channel to a high frequency energy we call “Reiki” which will work in the physical body and energy bodies to help prevent illness. In essence, the more universal energy we have balanced correctly and flowing freely (without blockages) through our bodies, the more happy, healthy and alive we may feel.

    What should I expect during a session?

    During a session your practitioner will apply light pressure to key energy points in the body and allow Reiki to flow.  Sometimes practitioners will place their hands as high as six inches above the physical body to work in the Aural body (energy body) and will not touch the client at all. Let your practitioner know if you prefer not to be touched during your session.  

    Why Choose Reiki over Reiki Massage?

    Great question!  Both Reiki (energy healing) and massage (physical healing) can have relaxation as the main goal.  Reiki practitioners are trained in the art of channeling energy whereas a masseuse is trained in muscle manipulation.  Since there are many types of massage and several schools of Reiki it would be too difficult to try to define every type and school.  In sum, the question of whether one wants Reiki or Reiki Massage really boils down to whether one want to have muscle manipulation as part of the process.   

    What type of Reiki services are offered at Amethyst House?

    Amethyst House offers traditional Reiki only.  We do not offer Reiki Massage.

  • Many Americans sustain long periods of time with no opportunity to rest. Not getting enough sleep and sustaining a stressed state day to day is a huge problem because the increased flood of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline overwhelm the body leading to weight gain, depression, anxiety and more. Any service that puts mind and body into a relaxed state, encourages the body’s natural pharmacy to release helpful chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin, which help us feel better and put us in a state that boosts overall happiness and immune health. A study of Reiki healers in New York over the course of a year noted that mind-body therapies which promote relaxation help the brain choose more effective patterns for problem solving, grounding, work life balance, conflict resolution and more. The effect of sleep and blood pressure on health is well documented even by standard medicine.

  • Since Energy Medicine is such a vast and developing field we are going to explain it only as it pertains to Amethyst House methods: not dissimilar to the old am/fm radio which used a small crystal to power itself and receive messages being sent from near and far, humans also send out and receive electrical pulses on specific frequencies through our brain and nervous systems.  These can be picked up and accessed by other humans. Contemporary research into quantum physics has helped us learn that everything in our environment and even beyond is energy.  In essence, energy healers are trained to raise their intentions and states of being through the channeling of a particular frequency (speed of energy waves such as light and sound) and then send that pulse to over-ride the current frequency in the client, thus calming the client who was previously on a less desirable frequency such as “stress” or “panic.” 

  • Crystals have long been known to give off powerful frequencies which, much like music, are quite pleasant to feel and worthwhile to use as a base point for ones own frequency.  Crystals can also be a beautiful way to remind yourself of intentions. For example, you can give your crystal a job to take your mind off of a particular task over which you have no control, thereby reducing your stress.  Many also use crystals as a type of visual affirmation (practice of repeating an intention over and over to strengthen its mind-body effect).  The color in this case may stand for a set of informed intentions such as pink for love, care, and kindness. Wearing it on your body may even enhance the effect as you are gaining all of the above therapies in one.  For those who need the science, Color Therapy, has long been embraced by psychologists as a very real practice, so much so that it plays a large role in American advertising and the physical design of places of business and even color choices in the passenger areas of commercial airlines.  Today, the use of Color Therapy is so common you can find it in contemporary culture with practices such as placing a crystal pellet at the center of ones daily use water bottle to allow the crystal’s color, properties and frequency, to continuously charge and enhance the water one drinks. 

  • The Amethyst House Mind-Body Method assumes three things:

    1. There is a direct connection between the frequency of the thoughts and feelings of a client and the physical state of health in the body of the client.

    2. That feelings a client is unable to feel and release get lodged in the energy body (bio-field) of a client and in the physical organs of the body itself. At the site where trauma occurred, stagnant bio-field energy or lodged emotional presence in the physical body, effect the physical health of the client.

    3. That “the story” (perspective, thought process) of a client with relation to his her health sets the “frequency” with which the client enters our space and has a direct effect on how “healthy” that individual is at intake.

    As a result, Amethyst House Healing Services are all designed with the express intention to connect the client to the highest frequency healing available and allow that energy to engage the brain and the limbic system, and further more with the nervous system, to reset (realign) the client’s frequency for better health. 

  • The job of a Life Coach is to listen to you, help you set personal goals and partner with you to help you achieve those goals.

    How is Life Coaching different than therapy?

    Therapists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists are licensed medical professions who make a diagnosis of a mental health condition and then analyze the client’s stories, chart their histories to determine how to “cure” the patient’s mental health condition and may be able to prescribe medication to cure conditions. Coaches, on the other hand, meet the client right where they are and there is an assumption of a healthy whole human being who wishes to make changes to their current circumstance. Coaches stay present-future with the work (no focus on the past) and they do not diagnose mental illness or prescribe medication. In fact, credible coaches who notice mental illness will likely refer their clients out to therapy. Finally, the training processes are quite different starting with the fact that Coaches are certified verses Therapists who are licensed.

  • Sound healing starts with the premise that the energy systems of the body can be tuned the same way we tune an instrument. The Sound Healing Practitioner helps us to achieve that “perfect pitch” by striking tunes and chords or running sound through acupressure points until each energy center is “tuned,” blockages are removed and energy flows freely.  When the body is in tune it is functioning at its optimal frequency which means the nervous system is functioning well and providing the body what it needs. This sets our health baseline in a good place to stay well.

  • Aromatherapy is the holistic therapeutic application of genuine essential oils for enhancing the physical and or psychological well being of an individual. Genuine essential oils are highly concentrated extracts that are distilled or expressed from a variety of aromatic plant material. Aromatherapy effects the body through dermal application and inhalation. Olfaction (the action of smelling) is capable of effecting emotions and nervous system activity via its impact on the limbic system (or emotional brain). When applied to the skin they are absorbed into the bloodstream and travel around the body to assist the body’s systems and organs. Essential oils can assist with healing a wide range of health related issues including insomnia, headaches, anxiety, grief, menstrual issues, and an assortment of skin conditions just to name a few.

    Note: therapeudic grade essential oils are not to be confused with fragrance oils or perfumes.

  • Glowing from the inside out is the result of optimal mental and physical health and mind body therapies are an ideal way to achieve this state. Reiki alone and its ability to improve overall well-being can produce amazing results and revitalize skin. Essential oils and Aromatherapy when applied brighten, tighten and nourish the skin all while creating a sense of calm upon inhalation. Our special sound protocol uses vibration to promote greater relaxation, lymph movement, relieve facial tension, increase muscle tone and smooth skin. And crystals, with the special frequencies they emit (as well as the energies and intentions used with them) are a luxurious and soothing part of a beauty ritual. Not unlike beauty sleep, mind body therapies deeply relax the nervous system, calm the mind and can be an excellent facilitator for fabulous skin.

  • At Amethyst House our Practitioners pride themselves on having a balanced perspective drawing from reason and logic when warranted and intuition when better suited.

    Intuition is generally regarded as the ability to perceive something without conscious reasoning.  Intuitive feelings tend to come from enhanced senses such as clairscentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and more.  When Practitioners are working “intuitively” they are using channeled information from their extra sensory perception to influence their choices as much or more than their scientific knowledge.

  • An Empath is someone who often feels others’ emotions/feelings as their own. Mind-Body Therapies can be helpful for a few reasons:

    (1) they help empaths to perceive themselves as a body + an energy field.  It is easier to understand how you can take on other people’s feelings when you understand that “you” extends beyond the physical body.

    (2) In many ways Empaths have learned to have loose energetic (and sometimes physical) boundaries.  But how can one solidify boundaries one can’t see or touch?  The answer is in the mind which interacts with both the body and the bio-field. Visualizations, meditations and new ways of thinking can all help empaths learn when others’ feelings and emotions are being felt and how to stop this phenomenon when it is not beneficial.

    (3) Being an Empath can be a gift. For one… once you understand how the mind, body and energy fields are interacting you can also turn what occasionally feels like a challenge into a gift by taking classes in how to become a healer yourself! 

  • Amethyst House is San Jose’s place for Restorative Self-Care and Mind-Body Health.

    It is a space designed from top to bottom (decor to color) (services to classes) to help people relax, enjoy and experience services that engage the mind, body and soul. It is a place that provides alternative yet effective approaches to mental and physical wellness with techniques such as Sound Bathing, Aroma Therapy, Reiki, Coaching, Plant Therapy, Meditation, and Narrative Visualization just to name a few. In essence, when you enter Amethyst House you enter a space that co-creates and projects wellness dimensionally and holistically.


    Relax . Heal . Restore .